Together we can beat autism

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Scentsy/Art Benefit

We had our Scentsy party/art sale benefit to raise money for Atreus' therapy. It was very fun and we did well! To anybody that still wants to order there is still time. The cutoff is tonight so if you're interested go to the link below and shop, shop, shop!

We submitted some of Atreus' artwork at a store down on Hawthorne and they loved it so they are going to start selling his cards! We are very excited! If anybody wants fun cards that are blank on the inside and have Atreus' painting on the front then head down to Mag Big and pick some up starting next week!

Thank you for all of your love and support! It's made all the difference in the world and we couldn't have done it without you all!


Friday, February 10, 2012

Benefit for Atreus

My cousin Candice is selling scentsy and is having a party to raise money for continuing Atreus' in home therapy. We will obviously be selling scentsy but we will also be selling framed prints of Atreus' paintings and note cards as well. We would love to see you all there! If you can't make it and you're interested in scentsy you can go to the link below. If you're interested in Atreus' artwork please email me with your questions. We are so grateful for all of your support and look forward to seeing you soon!

Email me at for party time and directions if you are interested in coming!

Link to purchase Scentsy and have profits go towards Atreus' therapy.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

So much has happened!

In the last month we have added 2 new and amazing therapists to our team! Atreus is up to 24.5 hours of one on one therapy a week plus he is going to preschool 2 days a week. Starting in 2 weeks Atreus is being moved up to the more advanced preschool class which is 3 days a week. He is doing so amazing in school that they want him to have more peer interaction time! This is all such big change and he is doing so great with it. I want to thank all of you that have helped make all of this therapy possible.

So much has happened!

In the last month we have added 2 new and amazing therapists to our team! Atreus is up to 24.5 hours of one on one therapy a week plus he is going to preschool 2 days a week. Starting in 2 weeks Atreus is being moved up to the more advanced preschool class which is 3 days a week. He is doing so amazing in school that they want him to have more peer interaction time! This is all such big change and he is doing so great with it. I want to thank all of you that have helped make all of this therapy possible. Will post pictures today!

Friday, December 23, 2011

Sweet Baby Boy

Atreus is so into imaginative play right now. It is so fun to watch him make all of his little guys say hi, hug, and kiss. He is just so sweet with them. He has never taken interest in things like this so it is pretty exciting and I think it shows amazing progress.

Here is a video of Atreus making his friends dance.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Art Show & Updates!

We had Atreus' art show on December 2nd and it was a great success. Seeing so many people come together for our son was a real blessing. We were able to raise enough money to cover therapy for about 3 months. It was so amazing! We spent the evening talking about Atreus, looking at artwork, holding raffles, having a bake sale, and having wine! It was a perfect night and Atreus was on his best behavior.

I should have more pictures on the art show soon and I will get them up as soon as possible. Thanks to all of you who made this night possible for us.

Update On Therapy
One of our therapist did not work out so we are now in the process of hiring a new one. We got an email from a woman who is in the process of relocating from Phoenix to Portland who is very interested in being a therapist when she gets here and she has a lot of experience so as soon as she is settled we will meet her and see how she would fit into our team. Keep you fingers crossed! Our main therapist is pictured with Atreus at the art show above and she is absolutely wonderful. She has made such a difference in our lives.

Update On School
Atreus is doing amazing in school! He has made a friend and his teacher tells me that he is a rock star everyday when I pick him up. Apparently he is not being aggressive at all and is following directions and participating in everything. What a wonderful thing to hear! Unfortunately when it is time to go home we only make it as far as the flag pole outside the school before Atreus does meltdown because he wants to go back to school and play. I absolutely love that he enjoys school that much!

Monday, November 28, 2011

Edward Wadsworth For Hair will be hosting Atreus' first art show this Friday December 2nd from 530-8pm. We will have painting ons display and have them for sale with or without frames. We also magnets and cards for sale with his art work on them. Love will be hosting a bake sale and we will be having a raffle. I hope you can all find the time to make it out and show Atreus your support! Love and thanks to all of you!